Watch: gluten-free citrus and polenta cake

By TASTE, 26 June 2018

Crowd-pleasing status pretty much guaranteed


Cream 150 g butter and 120 g honey until light and fluffy. Add 6 free-range egg yolks, one at a time, and cream some more. Fold in 400 g fresh ricotta, 200g almond flour, 180 g polenta and the leaves of 3 sprigs of fresh thyme until well-combined.

Whisk those 6 leftover egg whites until they form soft peaks. Slowly add 110 g caster sugar until the mixture becomes shiny, then fold the egg mixture into the polenta mixture. Spoon into a greased 22 cm cake tin and bake for 45 minutes at 150°C, or until set and golden. Allow to cool. To make a ClemenGoldTM syrup, simmer the juice of 6 ripe ClemenGolds in a pan with 200 g caster sugar and a sprig of thyme for 3–5 minutes until fragrant and sticky. Drizzle over the cake. Top with toasted almond flakes, more thyme and dig in!

No time to bake? Shop delicious baked cakes and tarts at Woolworths here.


Article by TASTE

The TASTE team is a happy bunch of keen cooks and writers, always on the look out for the next food trend or the next piece of cake.
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  • default
    Di Wayne
    17 July 2018

    can you substitute the polenta for almond flour or some other ingredient to make it carb free?

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    Claire Prytz
    26 June 2018

    The recipe on the gluten free cake is incomplete and does not reflect the amount of almond that is needed!
    Please I am mixing cake and cannot finish.

    1. default
      26 June 2018

      Hi there Claire. The amount is 200g. Happy baking!