WATCH: THE low-carb wrap for the picnic basket

By Today With Woolies, 11 November 2016

This will win you friends. We’re talking carb-clever sticky-chicken wraps, asparagus tips with prawn terrine and kale crisps for starters.


We get it: picnics are supposed to be easy, but that doesn’t mean you can’t think beyond the ol’ baguette-and-cheese combo. Can’t imagine a picnic without beef frikkadels or chicken drumsticks? Wrap some readymade lemon-and-parsley mini meatballs in red cabbage with some sundried tomato-and-basil cream cheese and sliced sugarsnap peas, or wrap chargrilled sweet-chilli chicken kebabs in butter lettuce with caramelised onion dip. Think no al fresco spread isn’t complete without crisps? Try a packet of slow-dried salt-and-pepper kale chips. For the die-hard carb fans coming along, throw in a couple of sesame breadsticks with snoek pâté and those utterly addictive tiny samoosas with a yoghurt-and-mango pickle. Because, it’s all about balance, right?
For a range of ready-made picnic staples, visit Woolworths here.

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Article by Today With Woolies

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