Watch: How to make a buttery steak sauce

By TASTE, 27 March 2018

The more butter, the better!


Place 1kg beef fillet on a large dish and season generously with salt. Tie the fillet with string (watch the video below to discover how to do this) and stuff with rosemary. Leave to stand at room temperature for 30 minutes.

To make the anchovy butter, mix 250g softened Lurpak butter with 4 chopped garlic cloves, the zest of 1 lemon and 10 roughly chopped anchovy fillets. Mix well to combine the ingredients.

Sear the steak on a hot pan and cook for 2 minutes, then turn slightly every few minutes to evenly cook the steak. Every time you turn the steak, smother is generously with your anchovy butter.

Remove from the heat, cover with tin foil and rest for 5 minutes. Once rested, pour the buttery pan juices over the steak.

To make the salad, mix 350g chopped tomatoes, 4T chopped basil, 2 finely chopped garlic cloves, ¼ cup extra virgin olive oil and ¼ cup red wine vinegar.

Smother thick slices of ciabatta with Lurpak butter, a generous helping of tomato salad and finally, top with the buttery steak.

You just made bruschetta! Enjoy!


Article by TASTE

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