Watch: Mother’s Day breakfast in bed

By TASTE, 9 May 2018

Treat mom with a tempting breakfast this Mother’s Day.


This Mother’s Day, skip the English brekkie and try something much more trendy and eggciting (sorry, not sorry). These Turkish-style fried eggs are super simple to make, but they pack a perfect flavour punch.

Turkish-style fried eggs:
Fry eggs in vegetable oil until crispy. Remove some oil, then melt in chilli and paprika butter to flavour. Remove the eggs, then add more spicy butter to the pan. Add a can of chickpeas, shake to coat and sizzle for flavour. Serve the spicy fried eggs with a swirl of double cream plain yoghurt, kale leaves, spicy chickpeas and creamy avocado. Mop it up with warm heat & eat knotted rolls.

And for a sweet finish: Make mom feel extra special with a blooming marshmallow flower in hot milk or hot chocolate. So much pretty!

Shop Mother’s Day gifts here.


Article by TASTE

The TASTE team is a happy bunch of keen cooks and writers, always on the look out for the next food trend or the next piece of cake.
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