WATCH: the new way to flame-grill your favourite cut of steak

By Today With Woolies, 29 December 2016

Spoiler alert: it’s lit!


Lighting sparklers on New Year’s Eve? How very 2016 of you. See out the old year with a legit steak dinner with a pyrotecnic twist: flambé. That’s right, we haven’t forgotten it’s #throwbackthursday so we thought we’d send a shoutout to this particularly tasty auld acquaintance. Simply slice your favourite cut of steak – the thicker the better – and pan-fry in garlicky, rosemary burnt butter til done to your liking. Then, keeping a match handy, pour a shot of brandy over your steak, light it and emerge from the kitchen like some kind of twisted foodie firestarter, presenting dinner in all its blazing glory. Dramatic? Who, us?

Rump, rib-eye, sirloin… Woolies has all your steak preferences covered. Get your favourite cut, now on promotion in-store. On the topic of all things meaty, don’t miss Woolies’ online rib special, happening now! That’s the weekend braai, sorted, then.

Today With Woolies

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