WATCH: How to secure the future of chocolate

By Today With Woolies, 7 November 2016

Do you choose your treats wisely? Here’s how we plan to secure chocolate for generations to come!


We all need a cheat day from time to time, and few things beat a piece (or three) of really good chocolate. How do you like yours? Dark? Milk? How about green? Wouldn’t indulging in your favourite treat be even sweeter if you knew you were helping to support local farmers and families on the ground, where cocoa is farmed?

Woolies is sourcing more and more certified-sustainable cocoa for its chocolates. Through partnering with an international organisation called UTZ, 100% of the cocoa used in Woolworths’ branded boxed chocolates, bars and slabs is responsibly sourced. This means supporting environmentally sound cocoa farming and creating better opportunities for farmers and their families.

It’s a commitment Woolies takes seriously – by June 2018, all cocoa as an ingredient in Woolworths-branded foods will be UTZ Certified. Watch and learn more about how UTZ Certified cocoa is farmed. And choose with tomorrow in mind.

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Article by Today With Woolies

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