WATCH: The ultimate roast

By Today With Woolies, 15 November 2016

Would you like a foolproof and fuss-free recipe for the ultimate roast? Well then, read on.


When it comes to roast perfection, the only star ingredient you really need is great-quality meat. That means meat that’s free of routine antibiotics and growth promoters and that’s been aged for just the right amount of time to make it tender and full of flavour.

Meat like this doesn’t need much in the way of fancy sauces or marinades – go low on fuss and high on flavour with just a handful of fresh rosemary and thyme, red onion, olive oil and seasoning… Because we all need a few stress-savers up our sleeves come this time of year.

Get your other favourite free range meat and chicken at Woolies.

Take your cooking skills up a notch (just in time for the holidays!) Make this festive season extra special with a Discovery HealthyFood Studio cooking course. You’ll be taught time-saving tips, organisational skills and tasty, healthy recipes that’ll add a touch of festive magic to this year’s family time… without the stress. Book your course here.

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Today With Woolies

Article by Today With Woolies

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