Why we’re serving braaied duck this Easter

By TASTE, 24 February 2023

Tired of the same leg of lamb and fish dishes for Easter? Why not serve braaied duck instead? It’s a great way to still keep the occasion special without all the slow roasting that comes with bigger cuts of meat.

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Craving the succulence and rich flavour of duck, but too nervous to try it yourself? Woolworths’ free-range smoky BBQ duck breast steaks are the ultimate introduction to duck. They’re already prepped using a marinade made from scratch (and the finest ingredients) which means loads of smoky flavour. Simply braai or pan-fry to your desired pinkness and slice into juicy medallions for your Easter table.

Braai and slice the duck and serve with a salad of fresh rocket, grilled plums, sliced radish and cucumber.

Photograph: Jan Ras
Production: Brita Du Plessis
Food Assistant: Sophia-maria Eygelaar

Find more duck recipes here. 

Shop at Woolworths


Article by TASTE

The TASTE team is a happy bunch of keen cooks and writers, always on the look out for the next food trend or the next piece of cake.
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    Lois Carol Wessels
    9 March 2023

    Brilliant suggestion, intend putting this on my shopping list.