2 easy ways to use sweet chilli sauce Discover how to elevate everyday meals with two easy recipes featuring Wellington's sweet chilli sauce:...
The must-try drinks of summer ’24 Summer and the festive season are all about hosting and attending get togethers. Whether you're...
How to make breakfast on the braai Elevate your breakfast on the braai with the Weber Genesis EX-325S, a versatile grill perfect...
The lowdown on tomato water Delightfully fresh and delicate, tomato water is a next-level treat for all lovers of this...
How to make malva pudding like a pro Having traced a brief history of one of South Africa’s favourite desserts, Khanya Mzongwana shares...
2 easy weeknight recipes to make using ostrich sausage Sure, you can pan-fry ostrich sausages and serve them with pap and gravy, or you...
8 creative salads to help you get to 30 plants a week Trying to hit that “30 plants a week” goal? Or just need inspiration to help...
7 top dishes to take to a bring-and-braai Want to be the most impressive guest at the bring-and-braai? You’re going to have to...
2 easy weeknight dinners using Parmigiano Reggiano Sharp, nutty and full of flavour, once you go to Parmigiano Reggiano, you’ll never go...
How to make Indian-inspired meals in minutes Woolworths’ new range of Indian-inspired ingredients brings vibrant flavours straight to your table. Perfect for...
5 easy recipes to make summer entertaining a breeze Summer is here, and it’s time to entertain! We’ve rounded up five easy recipes that...
6 reasons why you need to roast your tomatoes for sauce Looking to make a deliciously caramelised tomato sauce for pasta in record time? All you...