Better butternut?

I’m lacking butternut inspiration. I usually just roast it with some olive oil (and sometimes make soup). Any suggestions how to spice it up? My tastebuds need some excitement…


  • Roger Veldsman
    12 August 2015

    Roast it f,fill it with your fav ingredient eg bacon ,cream spinach . Or roast it ,dice it and add it to a quiche. Easy peasy.

  • default
    29 July 2015

    My go-to lunch in a hurry is steamed butternut and broccoli- pop it in a Tupperware and pour over a splash of cream, add salt, pepper and a handful of biltong with some blue cheese broken up into the mix. When you warm it up for lunch the cream and blue cheese make a fabulous “sauce” for the butternut and biltong. Throw in some roasted pumpkin for a bit of extra crunch.

  • Heather
    9 July 2015

    Hmmm, this is a toughie since I’m also prone to do the same. But, when I’m in the mood, I love to roast them (some things just work!) and then make a sauce using Woolies cremezola cheese and red pepper pesto with a bit of harissa too.

  • Katharine Pope
    24 June 2015

    I love serving it with sage fried in brown butter, and toasted pumpkin seeds. It’s great warm – in winter – or cold with leaves and chevin.

  • Tank Lanning
    19 June 2015

    Stick to cauliflower and spinach with LOADS of cheese and cream instead. Not only soothing on the taste buds, but Prof Noakes will give you a standing ovation as well :)