- 400 g fresh salmon
- 2 avocados, peeled and sliced
- 10 spring salad onions, thinly sliced
- 4 T fresh lime juice
- 4 T raw sesame seeds
- 5 cm piece fresh ginger, sliced paper-thin
Place the salmon in the freezer. Once frozen, remove and slice thin, carpacciolike slices. Line a small tin with clingfilm. Line the tin with salmon and top with the avocado. Cover with the remaining salmon.
Using your hands, lightly press down. Place a serving platter on top of the tin and turn out the terrine. Slice and top with the spring onion. Pour over the lime juice and sprinkle with sesame seeds. Serve with ginger on the side.
Per serving: 1887kJ, 27.5g protein, 34.8g fat (mono- and polyunsaturated fat more than 90% of total fat), 9.1g carbs
Nutritional benefits: Salmon’s most notable nutritional contribution is its high omega-3 essential-fat content, which is important for the optimal functioning of almost every cell in the body.
Sesame contains calcium, iron, zinc, magnesium, vitamin E, folic acid, phosphorous, potassium, copper, selenium and omega-3 and omega-6 essential fatty acids. Ginger is said to have good antioxidant immune-boosting properties.
It is often prescribed as a urinary-tract “cleanser” and is also often used in conjunction with detox programmes. It may also have a soothing effect on the stomach and therefore be helpful in alleviating heartburn and nausea, for example.