This is how you do Valentine’s Day on a budget

By Today With Woolies, 8 February 2017

All you have to do is shop smart and know how to keep a secret.


Trying to impress someone with a romantic dinner for two when you aren’t exactly flush (thanks for nothing December credit card bills) is actually totally do-able. All you need to do is shop smart (and know how to keep a secret). After all, your main squeeze doesn’t have to know that the super-impressive three-course supper you’ve just whipped up only set you back R200. All you need to do is cue the soundtrack (to Barry White or not to Barry White?) then make your selection between tangy prawn cocktail or trout parcels for starters; thick cut sirloin steak or sun-dried tomato butter mussels with a side of crunchy summer salad or cinnamony sweet potatoes for mains; and creamy chocolate mousse or sweetheart fruit salad for pudding. Cupid, draw back that bow.

For more on how to Eat In for 2 for R200 this Valentine’s Day, visit

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Today With Woolies

Article by Today With Woolies

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