You’ll want to glaze another gammon just for these leftovers

By Today With Woolies, 27 December 2016

There’s hamming it up, there’s glamming it up, and then there’s both.


The ultimate sandwich


An oldie but a goodie, few things beat a sandwich made with leftover gammon, right? Take yours up a notch by making it a triple-decker affair. Pan-fry three slices of farm loaf or ciabatta in olive oil till toasty, spread with English mustard, and fill with slices of leftover gammon, sliced cherry tomatoes, rocket and sliced pickled beetroot.

Creamy Alfredo pasta


Fry some chopped onion and garlic to taste in olive oil until soft, then add about a cup of cubed leftover gammon. Add a cup of cream and a few sprigs of fresh thyme, and simmer for five minutes until reduced. Add loads of grated Parmesan (no half measures here!) and a half-cup of peas if you’re feeling virtuous, then season and toss with your favourite pasta (tagliatelle works great) and dig in.

Crunchy apple and gammon salad


Thickly slice any leftover gammon and pan-fry until warmed through. Toss some baby spinach, basil, sliced red apples and radishes and blanched sugar snap peas with a simple dressing of olive oil, red wine vinegar, mustard, honey and garlic, then top with the warm gammon slices.

Creamy, dreamy pie


Make your lefover gammon into a pie filling like so: fry some garlic, onion and 2 cubed sweet potatoes in olive oil, add a few sage leaves and half a cup of wine and simmer for a few minutes before adding a cup of chicken stock and simmering for a further ten minutes. Stir in a tub of crème fraîche and 2 cups diced gammon. Tip into an oven proof pie dish, cover with ready made all butter puff pastry and bake until golden – around 20 minutes – in a hot oven.

Fridge filled with leftovers and little else? Stock up at on herbs and salads at Woolies, to put a fresh spin on your seconds.

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