5 quick (5-ingredient) meals to make this week

By Melissa Scheepers, 29 January 2018

Is your workday pace picking up? Lighten your cooking load with our selection of quick-and-easy recipes that need only five ingredients. Because less time at the stove means more time on the couch / with your family / reading a book. (The choice is yours…)

If you have olive oil (any other oil you prefer will do, too), sea salt and freshly ground black pepper knocking around your pantry cupboard, you’re good to go!

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Discover more quick meal recipes here.

Melissa Scheepers

Article by Melissa Scheepers

Woolworths TASTE’s online content producer has faced constant temptation since joining the team last year. When she’s not thinking about her next meal (it’s usually a variation of a cheese toastie), she’s researching the best cooking methods for her next article.
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