Chopped liver

“My grandmother always used calf’s liver, salted and grilled before mincing. I sometimes use it but I love chicken livers.” – Phillippa Cheifitz
- 2 medium onions, thinly sliced
- 500 g free-range chicken livers, trimmed
- duck fat or kosher imitation chicken fat, (a vegetable fat), for frying
- a good pinch ground cinnamon
- salt and white pepper, to taste
- 4 free-range eggs, hard-boiled
1. If you like using raw onion, gently fry 1½ onions in a few tablespoons of fat for 5–10 minutes, or until pale golden. Alternatively, fry both onions.
2. Add the chicken livers and another 1 T fat. Fry until the onions have caramelised and the livers are nicely browned, about 15–20 minutes. Add the cinnamon and season. Allow to cool to room temperature.
3. Mince or process the mixture very carefully (it’s not a pâté) with the remaining raw onion (if using) and two eggs. Check the seasoning. Mash with a fork and add a little fat to bind the mixture if necessary.
4. Turn onto a serving platter and make a shallow layer, pressing down with a fork. Decorate with the remaining hard-boiled eggs, separating the yolks and whites and chopping them very finely, or simply grate the whole eggs. Serve with pickled cucumbers, challah and crisp rye crackers.
Find more Jewish holiday recipes here.
Photograph: Toby Murphy
Production: Phillippa Cheifitz
Food assistant: Kate Ferreira