Side Servings

Corn Tortillas

5 minutes, plus overnight soaking time
45 minutes

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  • 1 kg field or dent corn
  • 2 T slaked lime
  • Sea salt to taste

Wash the corn thoroughly by fully immersing it in water, discarding any kernels that float.

Place the corn in a large saucepan and fill the saucepan to two-thirds with water. Add the slaked lime and stir well. Cover and slowly bring to the boil. This should take about 45 minutes.

Soak the corn for 24 hours, then rinse in a colander while rubbing the kernels with your fingers to remove the outer skins.

Grind in a grinder or food processor to form a dough. Add the salt. Roll into golfball-sized balls and place each ball between 2 sheets of clingwrap. Press each ball down with a heavy object to make a tortilla, then fry in a dry pan.

Frik Oosthuizen and Piet Marais

Recipe by: Frik Oosthuizen and Piet Marais

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