Watch: the best way to recycle your clothes

By Today With Woolies, 30 October 2016

Wardrobes in need of a clear-out? Help the planet and the unemployed by recycling your old threads.


The swift pace at which trends come and go in the fashion world means that unwanted clothing often ends up polluting landfills. Woolworths is committed to its Good Business Journey, part of which sees pre-loved excess clothing being donated to The Clothing Bank, an empowering initiative that supports and trains unemployed mothers in South Africa to become independent business owners. The programme offers life skills, mentoring and work experience, as well as important financial skills and recruitment opportunities to start sustainable micro-clothing businesses.

Through Woolworths’ partnership, the aim is to help reduce the country's unemployment rate and divert surplus textiles that would’ve otherwise ended up in landfills to a more worthy cause. Watch to find out more.

You too can support The Clothing Bank by dropping your pre-loved clothing into clothing bins located at selected Woolworths stores. On the topic of recycling, learn more about how your shopping bags are made here.

Learn more about Today With Woolies here.

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