5 light and bright vegetarian meals to make this week

By Melissa Scheepers, 18 September 2017

Are you trying to eat more greens but not sure how to go about it? There’s more to eating well than steamed vegetable doom and iceberg lettuce gloom. We’ve selected a few of our cheerful faves to set you up for the week ahead.

For effortless additions to quick weeknight meals:

  • Pre-chop or slice the veg that you plan to use that week and store them in a tupperware in the fridge. This makes it quick (and easy!) to add to meals while cooking.
  • Add more veg to your meals by doubling the quantity required by the recipe.
  • For picky eaters, hide unpopular vegetables in dishes by blending them and adding to sauces for pasta, soups or savoury bakes.

Eat all the colours of the rainbow.

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Discover more vegetarian recipes here.

Melissa Scheepers

Article by Melissa Scheepers

Woolworths TASTE’s online content producer has faced constant temptation since joining the team last year. When she’s not thinking about her next meal (it’s usually a variation of a cheese toastie), she’s researching the best cooking methods for her next article.
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