Main Meals

Corn and cheese waffles with avocado, spring onion and crème fraiche

20 minutes
40 minutes

Rice is usually cooked as a side dish or consumed as part of a 7 colours plate, but now Spekko has launched the innovative 7 DAYS 7 WAYS social media campaign. The recipes included unusual and unexpectedly delicious crispy rice waffles with avocado, spring onions and crème fraiche, an exciting new take on a savoury topping. Now you have the chance to make it! Enter the competition below to win a 7 DAYS 7 WAYS recipe box and waffle maker, to the value of R5,000.

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  • ¾ cup Spekko Long Grain Parboiled Rice, rinsed 
  • 3 cups water
  • pinch of salt
  • 410 g can whole corn kernels
  • ½ cup cheddar, grated
  • 2 free-range eggs
  • For the toppings:
  • ½ crème fraîche
  • 1 lemon
  • salt and ground black pepper
  • 2 spring onions
  • 1 avocado
  • 1 T chilli flakes 
  • small handful of fresh coriander 

1. In a saucepan, bring the Spekko Rice, water and salt to the boil. Reduce to medium heat and cook for 20 - 25 minutes. Tip the rice into a sieve to get rid of any excess water. Set aside to cool.

2. Drain the corn kernels and pat dry with a paper towel or a clean dishcloth.

3. In a bowl, mix the rice with ¾ of the corn (keep the remainder for plating) and the grated cheese. Whisk the eggs, then mix through the rice mixture until well combined.

4. Heat a waffle maker and spray with cooking spray. Spoon a ladleful of the mixture into the preheated waffler maker, close and allow to cook until golden. Continue until you finish the batter.

5. While the waffles are cooking, start preparing the toppings: Mix the crème fraiche, zest of 1 lemon and a pinch of salt and pepper.

6. Thinly slice the spring onion.  Thinly slice the avocado and squeeze over some lemon juice.

7. Place the waffles onto a platter. Then top each waffle with a few slices of avocado, a spoonful of crème fraiche, followed by a sprinkle of spring onion and the leftover corn. Garnish with chilli flakes and fresh coriander.

Rice alternative - Spekko India Gate Basmati Rice (cooking time may need to just accordingly) 



Find more rice recipes. 

Spekko’s exceptionally high standard of rice gives you the confidence to roll up your sleeves and get cooking. When you know you have the best rice, you can cook outside the box and try new things. You are free to put a fresh spin on the ordinary and come on a taste adventure!

Learn more about Spekko rice here.


Recipe by: TASTE

The TASTE team is a happy bunch of keen cooks and writers, always on the look out for the next food trend or the next piece of cake.

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