Pineapple tray bake pizza

- 2 dough balls, stretched
- 400 g free-range mini chicken breasts
- 60 g cheese mix (75% mozzarella to 25% Emmenthal)
- ¼ pineapple, thinly sliced
- 3 spring onions, chopped, for serving
- 5 g fresh coriander, chopped, for serving
- sea salt and freshly ground black pepper, to taste
- Woolworths chilli oil, for drizzling For the tomato base mix:
- 1 x 400 g can Italian tomatoes, blended
- olive oil, to taste
- 2 cloves garlic, grated
- salt, to taste For the buffalo hot sauce:
- 2⁄3 cup Nandos extra-hot sauce
- 110 g butter, melted
- ½ t Worcester sauce
- 1 t white wine vinegar
1. Prepare the pizza base, then arrange in a 28 x 22 cm deep, fireproof oven tray pushing up the edges slightly to create a crust. Cover with a clean tea towel and set aside for 1 hour.
Find the recipe for pizza dough balls here.
2. To make the hot sauce, whisk together all the ingredients over a medium heat until slightly thickened and incorporated.
3. Fry the chicken until cooked through, then toss in the hot sauce to coat. Just before baking the pizza, spread the tomato sauce over the base in a thin, even layer. Sprinkle over the garlic, dot with the cheese mix and top with the chicken and pineapple. Bake in a hot pizza oven for 5 minutes, or until the topping is bubbling, the crust is puffy and has a slight char. Alternatively, bake in a preheated oven at 220–250°C for 10–15 minutes.
4. Carefully remove the pizza from the oven and cut into even slices using a pizza wheel while still hot. Sprinkle over the spring onion and coriander, season and drizzle liberally with Woolworths chilli oil or more hot sauce.
Cook's note: When making tray-bake pizzas, it’s important to line the tray with the pizza dough, nudging it into the edges of the tray to create a crust to encase the toppings. Leave it to settle and prove for at least an hour for a perfect airy chewy crust, before topping and baking immediately.
Photographs: Sadiqah Assur-Ismail
Recipes and production: Hannah Lewry and Anthony Hoard
Food assistant: Kate Ferreira