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  • 500 g Woolworths pork-and-herb bangers
  • 8 Woolworths frozen potato röstis
  • 4 cloves garlic, crushed
  • 2 chillies, chopped
  • 2 sprigs rosemary
  • 2 T olive oil
  • 2 x 400 g cans cherry tomatoes
  • 1 x 400 g can butter beans, drained and rinsed
  • 30 g Parmesan



1. Fry 500 g Woolworths pork-and-herb bangers in a pan until cooked through.

2. Bake 8 x Woolworths frozen potato röstis according to package instructions.

3. In another pan, fry 4 cloves crushed garlic, 2 chopped chillies and 2 sprigs rosemary or sage in 2 T olive oil until fragrant.

4. Add 2 x 400 g cans cherry tomatoes and simmer for 10 minutes.

5. Transfer the tomato sauce to an ovenproof dish or leave it in the pan if it’s ovenproof, then stir through 1 x 400 g can drained and rinsed butter beans.

6. Submerge the cooked sausages in the sauce and grate over 30 g Parmesan. Roast for 10–15 minutes at 200°C until bubbling. Serve hot with the röstis.

Browse more recipes starring bangers here.

Photograph: Robbert Koene

Hannah Lewry

Recipe by: Hannah Lewry

Woolworths TASTE’s Food Editor is passionate about conjuring up fresh ideas for fast and easy dishes that taste as great as they look. Turn to her expertise for everything from time-saving mid-week food to lazy weekend meals. You’ll have a lot of fun in the kitchen while you’re about it.

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  • Mark Cliff
    4 March 2025

    Looks yummy but PLEASE can you add a widget that prints these recipes better?? Most respectable websites which host recipes has something.
    Look at Drizzle and Drip etc…

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