When rugby met food: Welsh rarebit vs South African braaibroodjies

By Ashraf Booley, 14 October 2015

On Saturday, 17 October the Springboks will take on Wales at the Rugby World Cup 2015 quarter finals. And because we love our food with a side of healthy competition, why not compare a dish considered Welsh with a South African classic? For ‘kicks’, you know…

Welsh rarebit indulgence

Perhaps the most famous Welsh dish of them all, Welsh rarebit is a toasted cheese on steroids. Abigail Donnelly’s take on this classic features the likes of Gruyère cheese, bacon, beer and ciabatta. We must admit: it sounds seriously drool-inducing.

View the recipe here


Bacon-wrapped braaibroodjies with cheese and red-pepper jelly

Keeping things local and lekker, what better rival than braaibroodjies to knock the socks off of Wales? But with a twist, of course. Hannah Lewry takes it up a notch by wrapping them in bacon and adding Cheddar and red-pepper jelly for something truly, er, scrum-ptious.

View the recipe here

So, which of these sarmies would you rather tuck into while watching the game on Saturday, patriotic bias aside?

Ashraf Booley

Article by Ashraf Booley

Woolworths TASTE’s digital content producer loves nothing more than trying out inventive recipes and using close friends and family as his guinea pigs. When he’s not crafting content or posting images to TASTE’s Instagram account, he sits in a quiet corner sipping on pretentious tea and penning poetry.
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