7 sweet tray bakes to occupy the kids during school holidays

By Jess Spiro, 4 October 2021

Entertaining children during school holidays is no mean feat, so we’ve rounded up some of our favourite sweet recipes to keep them busy – and you sane.

Nana’s oat crunchies

This is a sweet treat that still feels somewhat virtuous. You can leave them to mix the seeds and oats and step in to help when it comes time to bake.
Get the recipe for Nana's oat crunchies here.

Chocolate sheet cake

This cake is unbelievably forgiving, so you can let the kids do all the mixing without fear of overworking the batter.
Chocolate-Sheet-CakeGet the recipe for chocolate sheet cake here.

Plum-and-berry crumble

Kids of all ages will love making the crumble topping, which will give you a few moments of peace. Feel free to swap the fruit for any kind you have on hand – and that your kids will eat.
Plum-and-berry crumble recipeGet the recipe for plum-and-berry crumble here.

Chocolate-and-gingerbread tray sponge

Help the kids with the baking here, but let them go wild with the toppings in an easy-to-clean corner of the kitchen.
chocolate and gingerbread tray spongeGet the recipe for chocolate-and-gingerbread tray sponge here.

Funfetti sheet cake

Cake box mix + icing + sprinkles = hours of entertainment for the children and hours of freedom for you.
funfetti sheet cakeGet the recipe for funfetti sheet cake here.

Buttermilk apple muffin squares

Baking muffins in one tray means no fiddling with (or remembering to buy) muffin cases, and you can portion out smaller sizes for smaller tummies.
Get the recipe for buttermilk apple muffin squares here.

“Gogo’s Special” pineapple fridge tart

The process of layering and crushing biscuits will keep the kids busy for a while, but if you want to speed things up, make the filling while they're doing it.
Get the recipe for 'Gogo's special' pineapple fridge tart here.
Find more kid-friendly recipes here.

Jess Spiro

Article by Jess Spiro

Jess Spiro is a freelance food writer, chef and restaurant critic based in Cape Town, who can often be found in search of the next great plate of food. Follow her on Instagram @jess_spiro to see what she's eating.
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