Snoek ceviche

“The strong flavour of snoek pairs well with other strong flavours, which gave me the idea for ceviche with chilli, garlic, lime and onion.” – Vusi Ndlovu
For the salad:
- 1⁄2 white cabbage
- 1 cup basil leaves, torn For the ceviche:
- 2 x 300 g snoek fillets
- salt, to taste
- 5 cups lime juice
- 1 red onion, sliced
- 2 t red chilli, chopped
- 1⁄2 t garlic, crushed
1. Preheat the oven to 190°C. Roast the cabbage until slightly charred, about 25 minutes.
2. Using a very sharp knife, slice the fish into bite-sized pieces – slice diagonally and around the bones. Save the off-cuts for soup or sauce.
3. Season the fish with salt and cure for 30 minutes – do not rinse it.
4. Mix the lime juice, red onion, chilli, and garlic. Place the sliced fish into the lime mixture for 5–8 minutes.
5. To serve, arrange the grilled cabbage and basil on a platter and spoon over the fish.
Find more seafood recipes here.
Photograph: Jan Ras
Production: Brita Du Plessis
Food assistant: Ellah Maepa