Easter eating around the world

By Ashraf Booley, 11 March 2016

The fragrant aroma of hot cross buns wafting through the air, something fishy on the stove (pickled, obviously), chocolate bunnies lining store sheves, big and small. And perhaps an Easter egg hunt for good measure. This pretty much sums up Easter in South Africa – but what about the rest of the world?

Easter, the South African way

This year Good Friday falls on 25 March, the day on which Christians commemorate the crucification and death of Jesus Christ. And eat lots and lots of pickled fish, too. Snoek seems to be the popular choice in many homes (try this foolproof recipe for picked snoek), but angelfish can also be used or any other firm white fish such as hake or kabeljou should do the trick. For a fiery rendition, opt for pickled fish the Cape Malay way – try this recipe for Cape Malay-style pickled fish. And to seal the deal, try TASTE food editor Abigail Donnelly’s traditional homemade hot cross buns recipe.

In some parts of the world favourites such as hot cross buns are also enjoyed, but in other parts, some wacky and wonderful foods we wouldn’t mind putting to the test are par for the course…

In Russia

Russians are said to be big on Easter eating. Pashka is a popular dessert enjoyed at Easter, which is basically cheesecake made with curd cheese and shaped in the form of a pyramid, decorated with religious symbols. And for the pork lovers... ham in the dough – which is simply a dish of ham baked in a flaky crust.

In Greece

For Greeks, Easter prep begins on holy Thursday. This is when the traditional bread of tsoureki is baked (a brioche-like bread), and studded with hard-boiled eggs. The eggs are dyed red, symbolising the colour of life and the blood of Jesus Christ.

In Mexico

While there are many traditional foods eaten in Mexico at Easter, capirotada is most popular during Lent. This bread pudding is made with toasted bread, raisins, cinnamon, cloves and cheese. Legend has it each ingredient carries a reminder of the suffering of Christ. For example, the cinnamon sticks represent the wooden cross, and the cloves the nails.

In Denmark

By the looks of it, Danes are big on Easter. Tipplers will appreciate the fact that in Denmark a special type of beer known as Påskeøl – slightly stronger than regular beer – can be enjoyed at Easter.

In Brazil

Salty and sweet are said to be the flavours of Easter eating in Brazil. They typically enjoy salt cod at Easter and for something sweet, Paçoca de Amendoim. This fudge-like treat is made from peanuts, sugar and cassava flour.

Do you celebrate Easter in other special ways? Let us know in the comments section below – we’d love to hear from you!

Ashraf Booley

Article by Ashraf Booley

Woolworths TASTE’s digital content producer loves nothing more than trying out inventive recipes and using close friends and family as his guinea pigs. When he’s not crafting content or posting images to TASTE’s Instagram account, he sits in a quiet corner sipping on pretentious tea and penning poetry.
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