How to grill fruit and veg like a pro

By Hannah Lewry, 26 April 2018

Hannah Lewry says a hot grill or coals, plenty of oil, and a watchful eye are the answer to smoky charred fruit and vegetables

How to grill fruit like a pro

Choose fruit that is fairly firm as it will soften considerably.

I love how the sticky grilled plum sauce almost collapse once they reach a perfect caramelised state. It’s a fantastic way to keep the texture of the plums and get the most out of their flavour. Also try grilling pineapple slices, halved peaches, or even halved bananas in their skins – peel them to serve with ice cream and a sauce.

Stoned, halved avos brushed with lime juice and olive oil are also a winner – fill the hollows with sour cream and salsa afterwards. Or even with eggs!

How to grill veggies like a pro

Chargrilled broccoli steaks are my new favourite thing to eat – I love how they are a vehicle for bold flavours and really take on the smokiness of the braai.

For veggies like brinjals, onions and baby marrows, big pieces expose more surface area (i.e. more flavour), so cut them into strips or rounds, not chunks. Also try sliced sweet potato and artichokes.

Beans are delicious, as is wilted pak choi and cos lettuce. If you’re making skewers, ensure even cooking by pairing softer veggies (tomatoes and mushrooms) and harder vegetables (onions and bell peppers).

Hannah Lewry

Article by Hannah Lewry

Woolworths TASTE’s Food Editor is passionate about conjuring up fresh ideas for fast and easy dishes that taste as great as they look. Turn to her expertise for everything from time-saving mid-week food to lazy weekend meals. You’ll have a lot of fun in the kitchen while you’re about it.
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