Steak 101: Different cuts & when to cook what

By Clement Pedro, 3 July 2015

A steak is a steak, is a steak … said no one ever. From rich hanger steak to fatty rib-eye and juicy sirloin, to premium fillet on the bone, each cut has a distinct flavour and varying tenderness.

The fillet on the bone is the king of cuts to me. The bone adds flavour and the tender meat has more meaty richness than the regular fillet steak. Although it costs more, this steak is definitely for special occasions.

For a leaner steak, try a sirloin. If you want, you can remove the fat on the outside of the steak.

If you prefer a steak with more fat than a sirloin but not as fatty as a rib-eye, why not use a rump with some intramuscular fat? Just make sure to take your steak out the fridge before you cook it so it’s close to room temperature when it hits the pan.

The most tender steak is the fillet, which is also very lean. Be careful not to overcook it, or you might spend your night chewing on old boot steak.

Preparing your steak

To prepare your steak (I’m using the king of cuts: fillet on the bone), heat 200 g butter in a small saucepan over a low heat. As the butter heats, white solids will begin to rise to the surface, skim these off using a large spoon. As soon as the solids stop rising, carefully pour off the clarified butter. Be careful not to pour in any white solids that might have formed at the bottom of the pot.

Heat 3 T clarified butter in a pan over a high heat. Add the steak and caramelise for a few minutes, undisturbed, until the meat has completely browned.

Turn the steak and spoon over some of the butter. The steak often has a third side (the edge), which will need to be caramelised, too.

If you’re lucky enough to have a very large cut of the steak, you might need to finish it in the oven for 5 minutes at 180°C. Serve whole seasoned with salt and freshly ground pepper, or carve of the bone then season. Add triple-cooked chips and a fresh green salad on the side.

Click here for more steak recipes.

Clement Pedro

Article by Clement Pedro

Clement Pedro strikes a balance between rib-sticking fare you can really get stuck into and experimental recipes that take accessible ingredients to next-level status. Clem can do pretty much anything – and so can you with his recipes.
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