October’s top 10 recipes

By Ashraf Booley, 2 November 2015

If our numbers are anything to go by, then you sure did indulge last month. Without further ado, here are the top 10 TASTE recipes you couldn’t resist in October (in order of clicks).

1. Banana flapjacks with buttermilk and fresh honeycomb

Whether you made our cover version or the stack starring buttermilk and honeycomb, you definitely did your sweet tooth a favour.

View the recipe here

2. Chicken-and-prawn curry

Chicken or fish? Why choose between the two when you can have both?

View the recipe here

3. Traditional malva pudding

The signs of summer aren’t stopping you from the comforting goodness of malva pud.

View the recipe here

[caption id="attachment_13413" align="alignright" width="240"]Italian-toasted-cheese-ham-and-tomato-sandwich-400x400 Italian toasted cheese, ham and tomato sandwich[/caption]

4. Italian-toasted cheese, ham and tomato sandwich

Nothing like a toasted cheese on steroids.

View the recipe here

5. Two-minute lemon curd cake with organic-sugar lemon

Two-minute dessert. Enough said.

View the recipe here

6. Peanut butter no-bake fridge cake

This no-bake fridge cake is clearly a firm favourite. All you have to do is mix a couple of ingredients together and let it chill while you swig some vino.

View the recipe here

7. Buttermilk rusks

[caption id="attachment_13420" align="alignright" width="240"]Milk-chocolate-salted-caramel-pear-and-Camembert-toasted-sandwich-400x400 Milk-chocolate salted caramel, pear and Camembert toasted sandwich[/caption]

Dunking daily, are we?

View the recipe here

8. Stiff pap

Local is lekker, they said. They were right.

View the recipe here

9. Roast cauliflower croquettes

Bite-sized deliciousness. Croquettes are a winner in all their guises.

View the recipe here

10. Milk-chocolate, salted caramel, pear and Camembert toasted sandwich

We’d be suspicious if this beaut didn’t made the cut. This is the future of sarmies, after all.

View the recipe here

Ashraf Booley

Article by Ashraf Booley

Woolworths TASTE’s digital content producer loves nothing more than trying out inventive recipes and using close friends and family as his guinea pigs. When he’s not crafting content or posting images to TASTE’s Instagram account, he sits in a quiet corner sipping on pretentious tea and penning poetry.
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