Choose one of these 6 brunches to whip up this weekend

By Melissa Scheepers, 28 July 2017

Welcome the weekend with the most delicious way possible: brunch! We’ve selected six of our favourite (and easy) brunch recipes for you to rustle up this weekend.

Prefer to throw together your own easy brunch buffet? Include an easy cheat’s Hollandaise, potato rostis, your choice of eggs and (of course), the obligatory mimosa!

Or, get inspired with these brunch menus here.

The wrap

For the fluffiest eggs, gently fold the mixture away from or towards yourself (not both directions) rather than stirring. This will keep them light and oh-so fluffy. Add a little Spanish freshness to your weekend brunch with freshly chopped coriander and tomatoes.

Get the LA Kitchen Huevos recipe here.

The scramble

Want an airy, mousse-like texture in your eggs? Cook them in water instead of oil.
Serve on a spicy Mexican tomato sauce with charred tomatoes, chillies and garlic for an easy, warming brunch.

Get the skinny eggs with spicy Mexican tomato sauce recipe here.

The French toast

This luxury French-toast revamp uses cream and thickly-sliced ciabatta bread. Roll the slices in roughly chopped almonds for an excellent nutty flavour.

Get the almond french toast with boiled eggs and biltong powder recipe here. Browse more French toast recipes here.

The waffle

Can’t choose between sweet and savoury? You don’t have too. The buttery, cheesy goodness of traditional Welsh rarebit meets the syrupy spongy sweetness of Woolies’ ready-made waffles. Hello, flavour sensation.

Get the Welsh rarebit waffles recipe here.

The porridge

Buttery and creamy polenta porridge served with crispy, fried bacon strips and mushrooms, and finally, topped with a perfectly poached egg. It doesn’t get any better than this.

Get the (very Instagrammable) polenta porridge recipe here.

The sandwich

This is the ultimate breakfast sandwich: quick scrambled eggs with crispy bacon, cheese, spring onion shavings and a squeeze of sriracha-mayo. Deliciously simple.

Get Abi’s eggslut-inspired sandwich recipe here.

What’s your ultimate brunch dish? Tell us in the comments below!

Discover more breakfast recipes here.

Melissa Scheepers

Article by Melissa Scheepers

Woolworths TASTE’s online content producer has faced constant temptation since joining the team last year. When she’s not thinking about her next meal (it’s usually a variation of a cheese toastie), she’s researching the best cooking methods for her next article.
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