Citrus recipes
Fish recipes
20 minutes
Salmon fish cakes by Siba

Stone fruit
5 minutes
Peach-and-coriander pickle

Pork recipes
15 minutes
Chinese-style pork with soya-sesame noodles

Cocktail recipes
5 minutes
Spicy tequila-and-coconut cocktail

Couscous recipes
15 minutes
Grilled prawns with herbed couscous

Prawns and
Homemade ginger beer

Salad recipes
10 minutes
Warm egg-and-seafood salad

Citrus recipes
10-15 minutes
Grilled prawns with orange and tamarind sauce

Braai recipes
30 minutes
Braaied yellowtail with apricot ginger glaze

Hot drink
20 minutes
Spicy Chai

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