Local foodies share their favourite Suhoor dishes
During Ramadan, where participants fast from dawn until dusk, Suhoor forms an important start to the day. Suhoor (otherwise known as Sehri) is the meal eaten very early in the morning before the fast for the day begins. This meal needs to be carefully considered as it needs to set you up for a successful fast and ensure you don’t feel fatigued, hungry or dehydrated during the day. We enlisted the help of local foodies for their favourite Suhoor dishes.
Fayruza Abrahams, chef, food tour guide and cookbook author
What’s your favourite thing to eat for Suhoor?
I aim to ensure that the family is well nourished and hydrated, especially during the first few days of Ramadan, as those are arguably the hardest. I like to focus on quality as opposed to quantity, so I always prepare a recipe handed down to me by my great-grandmother. It’s a simple, decadent, hearty porridge made using sago, whole milk, cinnamon, egg, butter and a bit of honey for sweetness. I have adapted it somewhat over the years by using tapioca pearls and coconut milk instead. Equally decadent, but it feels a tad bit healthier.
Do you have any tips on foods that keep you fuller for longer?
Absolutely. Staying hydrated and eating smaller quantities of superfoods is of utmost importance. My go-to staples would be fruit such as dates, bananas, avocados and paw-paw, as well as honey and almonds. We also opt for eggs and low-GI bread for the kids.
Fatima Sydow, cookbook author 
What’s your favourite filling idea for Suhoor?
My favourite is a delicious pot of old-fashioned rolled oats, served hot and freshly made. I’ll add some nuts and banana, butter and hot milk. It's just perfect.
Do you have any family traditions around Suhoor?
We keep things quite simple, the person who wakes up first usually starts by prepping the table for everyone, but we make sure to take turns and help each other. The togetherness is a pretty good feeling.
Naqiyah Mayat, entrepreneur and author 
What’s your go-to Suhoor dish that keeps everyone happy and full throughout the day?
I make my family a smoothie every single day during Ramadan. It contains oats, bananas, dates and sometimes a shot of coffee for those still working and in need of the energy boost. This is especially helpful for those who struggle to eat in the morning.
Mariam Harris, chef and founder of Cooked Inc. 
What’s your tip for making sure you feel fuller for longer in the morning?
I like to make sure I’m getting in enough fat, protein and carbs. Also be sure drink enough fluids to sustain you – I have 2 glasses of water, a green juice (orange juice and baby spinach), a cup of herbal tea, and a coffee. I also have a slice of seeded toast with 1 whole egg and 1/2 cup of scrambled egg whites. If you struggle to eat, a smoothie is a great way to sustain you for the day.
Find more Suhoor inspiration here:
Get the recipe for chocolate oat porridge here.
Get the recipe for banana-and-oatmeal bake here.
Get the recipe for breakfast bars here.
Get the recipe for egg-white omelette here.
Get the recipe for baked avo eggie cups here.
Get the recipe for cheat's poached eggs here.
Get the recipe for almond-and-banana smoothie with seeds here.