• Substitute alcohol in a recipe

    There are several recipes that call for alcohol as one of its ingredients, but for a variety of reasons, you may not want to use it in the dish that you are making. Here’s what to do.

  • Spoom

    Spoom is a light, frothy sorbet folded into beaten egg whites or a meringue mixture and then partly frozen.  Try it in this recipe for Verjuice-poached nectarines with raspberry spoom. Substitute the nectarines&…

  • Pink peppercorns

    Pink peppercorns or poivre rose are not actually peppercorns - they are dried berries and have a sweet, peppery flavour. TRY THESE RECIPES USING PINK PEPPERCORNS Dense smoked chocolota and vanilla fudge cake encrusted with pink peppercorn…