• Boerewors-sheet-pan-pizza

    5 Easter brunch recipes to impress your guests

    Host a laidback long-weekend brunch this year with a menu of dishes inspired by deputy food editor Khanya Mzongwana’s grandmother and featuring all your Easter favourites! From quiche and savoury pancakes to hot cross buns with cheesecake spread, these swoon-worthy dishes will make your Easter feel extra special.

  • Multi-layer dark chocolate cake

    7 unleavened treats for Passover

    If you observe Passover, you’ll know that yeast is not the only thing that’s off the table. Wheat, rye, rice, barley, oats and spelt are forbidden too, which can put a kibosh on your craving for cake. So we asked five Jewish experts for their best recipes for unleavened treats and, frankly, they’re definitely onto something.

  • Herb-marinated roast lamb

    8 Easter recipes to create the perfect lunch menu

    How do you celebrate Easter? We asked the TASTE community on Instagram what meal they prefer, and 63% said they do a sit-down lunch. So, to help you prepare, we’ve curated 8 recipes that make up 2 menus. One is a laid-back lunch and the other is more bougie. Choose your menu or mix and match the recipes to your preference.

  • Sweetcorn cake

    Your 10 favourite recipes in March 2023

    Want to know what the TASTE community was making last month? Well as it turns out, a lot of you were baking! That’s not all, you were also interested in speedy dinners, great value recipes and a lekker treat. Here are the top 10 recipes for March.

  • Time-saving fresh pastes are this year’s must-have ingredient

    Psst! We’ve found the ultimate ingredient for maximising flavour and minimising cooking time. Fresh pastes are key to making your favourite stews, curries and marinades with very little chopping involved. Why make your own wet masala paste or harissa paste from scratch when you can use store-bought versions that get the job done? How you use them is up to you, but we’re getting you started with hard-to-resist masala chips, a paneer curry that can rival any restaurants and harissa butter you’ll want to add to any meal.