Our secret to perfectly roasted and stuffed duck Stuffed, roast duck doesn’t have to be difficult or time-consuming. This festive season, we've discovered...
5 seafood recipes to add to your festive braai menu There’s more to braaiing fish than snoek. Make your braai a stand-out with shisanyama-style kabeljou....
3 non-negotiable classic Christmas roasts and how to serve them The festive season is all about bringing loved ones together. What better way to do...
You can’t go wrong with roast chicken this festive season Left your festive menu planning to the last minute? Hosting a smaller crowd this year?...
4 inspiring Grana Padano recipes With a history unmatched by most cheeses, Grana Padano is in a class of its...
8 surprising recipes that use miso Miso is good for so much more than soup. Use the wonder paste to add...
The pasta boy: pasta inspired by holidays with my son Inspired by Italian holidays with her young son, Sam Woulidge dishes up a Saffa-Italian crossover...
10 most popular recipes in October 2022 We share recipes to inspire you daily. They range from delectable desserts, quick-and-easy meals to...
Eat Out reveals the 42 restaurants set to receive stars in 2022 Looking for the best restaurants in South Africa? This year, the Eat Out Woolworths Restaurant...
Love hot sauce? You’ll love these fiery bites Things are getting hot (and we’re not talking about the weather)! It’s the season for...
6 Diwali recipes with a modern twist Food and travel journalist Ishay Govender says her recollections of the Festival of Lights go...
Smart cookie: how making cookies was a great coming-of-age moment Receiving a cookie press was a great coming-of-age moment for Mogau Seshoene. To honour this...